Arpan Basu Chowdhury
The princess went to the king, her father, and showing him the hair she had found in the river said, “I have made up my mind to marry the man to whom this hair belonged.” The king’s servants asked the tame parrot belonging to the king, “Oh parrot, can you find the man whose hair is twelve cubits long?” The parrot replied, “Yes, I can find him.”
Animals and birds have a special place in Santhali homes and its folklore.
The Santhal tribe

Tribe Santhal
Geography East India
State Bengal
The Santhal tribes are a major tribe of West Bengal. They are also seen in parts of Bihar, Odisha, and Assam and are the largest tribe in Jharkhand. They depend on agriculture and livestock for their living and are great hunters. In addition to traditional festivals like Karam and Sohrai, Santhali dance and music is a major attraction.