He is a live member of Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH Hazaribagh Chapter) and has been associated with the Sanskriti Museum and Art Gallery since its inception in 1995. He assisted his father Bulu Imam Padmashri in the 1990s in research and documentation of the pre-historic rock art and traditional tribal mural arts known as Khovar and Sohrai. Khovar and Sohrai are timeless artistic traditions which are intimately related to the social and religious life of the tribal people of Jharkhand. Khovar is associated with the annual marriage season and Sohrai marks the harvest cycle and celebration, this custom is considered to be the most original and significant among the Oraon, Santhal and Munda tribal group in Hazaribagh. In 2008, organization Virasat Trust was formed to promote the traditional art of Hazaribagh district.