Deepak Bara is a documentary filmmaker from Ranchi, Jharkhand in India. His documentary ‘The Ugly Side of Beauty’ bagged the Sustainable Development Goals prize at the 2021 Japan Prize.
His professional career started in 2002 as a Video Editor and since then he has found himself in the role of Documentary Film Editor, Audio-Video lab Technician, Teacher, Video Producer, Camera Person, Director, Translator, News Media Editor, Community News Media Network Coordinator and Trainer. He has fully dedicated himself into the Art of Audio Visual Media production with Community as the major stakeholder in the whole process. The world has advanced considerably in technology and he strongly believes that communities must have the power of information and it’s access for their inclusion in the path of social development as a broader goal.
He graduated in Fine Arts discipline with Diploma in Film and Video Editing. In Jharkhand, he has been part of 52 documentary films since 2002 and edited many award winning films based on indigenous population of Jharkhand with various thematic such as Art & Culture, History, Displacement, Development programs, Constitutional Rights, Women, Left Wing Extremism, Forest Rights, Education, Social Movements, Migration & Trafficking, Sports, Literature, Human Rights etc.