In a Festive Mood

Bhargav Vasudev Joshi

The Baigas were the priests with knowledge about magic and sorcery. The Baigas take their dances seriously and dress painstakingly for them. While the men wear ornaments and a turban bedecked with peacock feathers, the women adorn themselves with different ornaments and tie their hair in pigtails with little rings made from tree bark and wool. Every life event ranging from religious festivals and ceremonies, births, weddings, and deaths is an occasion to indulge in music and dance.

The Baiga tribe

Tribe Baiga
Geography Central India
State Madhya Pradesh

The Baigas are sometimes referred to as “the wildest of the tribes, inhabiting the most inaccessible hills and the remotest forests; living on what they can secure with their bows and arrows, in the use of which they are very skillful, and on forest produce, and the small crops which they grow on the hillside.”

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