Session 21 summary
Sketching for Allen was compulsive and he uses watercolors because they are easy to carry when travelling. He says that watercolors keeps him afloat. There are many stories which come from different tribes but they have not been published or written. Painting can be a format when these stories can be put together. But the stories are usually seen from only one perspective, there is a need for a different perspective just like unless and until we know the lions side of the story, every story would glorify the hunter. The task of telling stories of common life around him are the subjects of his work. He narrates the stories from his lived experiences and real people. Few stories from his childhood include ‘Toffee wala Dada’ and ‘Abraham’. As an illustrator, he believes that when looking for stories one does not have to look very far away but close to themselves. He enjoys telling stories from his perspective without any modifications. One travels back in time to remember all the childhood stories and the stories he tells people are about him going fishing after school etc. Presently he has 300+ sketches and he considers these stories stored in the tall shelves of sketchbooks his treasure. In his sketch Old school guy he tries to strike a balance between technology and raw use of hands to do illustrations. His sketch-Idea of a Selfie is him sketching at different places showing different perspectives. The moment one has another perspective, they are not changing sides but they are showing the world a different light. Since he travels a lot he enjoys having different perspectives which adds layers to his works. Sculptures in Erlangen had been his friends, the only company which did not discriminate against him and provided comfort. The city mayor’s request had led Shaw to paint the sculptors as the symbol of Erlangen in New Year’s Greetings cards. The greeting card won him the honour along with veterans who had contributed to the construction of those sculptures. He claims that his sketchbooks are his passport to the world. Allen has also tried his hand at painting with coffee at Bicycle Fair and his cards were sold out. He has been doing the poster illustrations for the bicycle market for the last six years in Berlin. Another bicycle company from an NGO called Tino in Switzerland approached him to make posters of the same kind. Bicycle fairs have taken him to various places on his old bicycle and helped him enjoy his love for bicycles. He has also designed covers for twenty five Harper Collins books on the 25th Anniversary of HarperCollins, a poetry book with Gulzaar Saab where the background has been designed by his daughter Duniya. A big book under Iktara Publication called ‘Tigress’ which can be shared by many children together.

On the surface a sketch is just a sketch, since he has interacted with a lot of people and has been to many places so each of his sketches carries a story and stories are the key to a sketch. He has sketched for a long time so he has skill but to tell stories one does not need skill. If the content is good skill does not matter.
About the Speaker
Allen Shaw
Artist / Illustrator / Storyteller / Animation filmmaker
Allen Shaw is a Berlin-based Indian artist, illustrator and storyteller. He was born in Bihar. He spent a couple of years at St. Stephens College, Delhi before quitting and joining the National Institute of design, Ahmedabad, from where he graduated in Communication Design, specialising in Animation Filmmaking.