Unfamiliar Feelings

Session 75 summary

Why your band is called Not Funny? What is not funny about the band?
At first there were three members in the bands. The drummer, vocalist and the bassist, later Soringthing came along. In the beginning they didn’t have a band name so they took some photos which they posted in social media which garnered huge funny reactions to which they replied with another post calling it ‘not funny’. They realized how they related with the name and so they called themselves not funny. Initially it started as a joke but later on they found it catchy and they want to use it as a message to everyone that they are serious about what they do. 

How did the band start?
In the beginning everyone was in different bandsbut they bumped into each other eventually, started talking and realizing their common interest for music. Eventually they decided to take the road into the music industry as a band.   

Can each of the band members give a brief introduction about himself?
Wungramthing Shimray (vocalist) – loves baking.
Kachuimi Luithui (bassist) –love to read comics and procrastinate at the same time.
Soringthing Raihing(lead guitarist) – currently in graduation final year.
Wotsa(drummer) –love reading books and hanging out with friends .

 How did each one of you get into music as a career?
Soringthing Raihing started playing the guitar at the age of 17, he also grew up listening to a lot of music and has a lot of musician friends who inspire him. Wungramthing Shimray didn’t really think that he would be a musician but as he grew older and his passion grew he was more into music and came into the music field. Before Wotsa was 18 he never thought that he wanted to pursue music as a career since he didn’t grew up in a musical family and had no prior knowledge about music but music is all about how it makes someone feel alright. Kachuimi Luithui grew up listening to a lot of songs in his uncle’s basement and that is how he came to know about some of the favourite musicians. Their music inspired him and even their dressing sense inspired him a lot and so the music that was inside his head became clearer. So, music for him is like water and food.

Why music? And not any other career?
Since they have a passion in music. Apart from music there might be other options but they just want to follow their heart- their passion and that is how they have more and more fulfilment in their life and they want to set an example to the younger generation as well that they can build a career in the music industry as well, especially in the northeast. They want to inspire the world with their music.

Which bands and what genre or kind of music were the key influences for Not Funny?
They are all into different genre so they don’t have anything specific but they are leaning towards pop rock and indie genre.

Is there any way in which your tribal roots are projected in your music or performances?
There are a lot; for their music videos they cast people from the same community, also the place they shoot are mostly from their town itself and the outskirts of the town. As of now they don’t have much knowledge or focused on incorporating their tribal roots in their songs.

Which aspect of your tribal culture excites you? And why?
For Wungramthing it’s the hospitality, as it has a huge role in his society and mostly the food. For Kachuimi it is hola which is the traditional songs, also their dance and dresses. For Soringthing, apart from that they are also a community based society so they have a deep rooted connection which is something that he really loves.

Can each of the band members tell about the unique aspects of their tribal community and background?
All the band members are from the same tribe. The food culture is something they find amazing. The fashion is also quite trendy and can be called a fashion hub. In tribal regions most people are into handicrafts and stuff like bamboo baskets, shawls, etc. There is a dog breed Tangkhul hui which is very unique. There is also a famous flower Shirui Lily.

Have you collaborated with other artists? If yes, what has been your learning from these collaborations?
They are very interested in collaborating but yet to find the connection. But very interested to try new stuff.

Who designs your album covers? And your music videos?
They have their own ideas and vibe according to the music, so they share their own ideas and concept, sort out things and compile them.

Who is the fashion stylist in your band?
They have their own taste when it comes to fashion. Just like the music video they produce, they compile the ideas again and then pitch it. Usually it is a mixture of each member’s fashion taste.

Who helps with the design of the album cover and other art?
It was designed by Wungramthing Shimray’s brother. His family members help out with the design the album art according to the songs.

How has your community and people from your city as well as northeast being receptive of your songs?
The band is very thankful for their community. Since the community is tightly knit so when they first produced their first MV, the reactions and support was huge. Later on some part of northeast came on and they got recognition. They are very thankful to them and consider them as the backbone of their band.

Where do you see yourself as a band?
One thing that stands out in their band is the quirkiness, doing new stuff which is quite new in the northeast. So, they are trying to pursue indie pop, also the music production and video stands apart from other groups.

Since the band is referred as quirky, could you give your example of quirky?
It is the shady persona-but the good shady persona of someone. So quirkiness as a band is the idea of standing amongst the crowd and standout.

What was the experience of making your music video? Any interesting learnings or experiences?
On a broader side they get to travel a lot, meet a lot of people, and try new food and culture. They got the chance to live an adventurous life know different cultures and their stories

What are the upcoming songs or albums (project) that you have in mind?
Yes there is. Their next project is their EP-Excellent Play record in which they have 4-5 songs and currently they are engaged with the studio and it’s almost complete. They are excited for it.

Where do think you would want to take Not Funny forward and how?
As a band it would be the upcoming project that they are working on. They often talk about world tours, so maybe Coachella and win world renowned music awards. But the most recent goals are selling a lot of records, tickets and going on world tours.   

As tribals, how do you see yourself contributing to the community?
As of now they have a map in mind, but it would not be anything immediate. However that does not mean that they forget about their roots as they sing songs in a different dialect than the language of their community. The backing of the community has helped the band the band achieve a lot of things and they are also trying to give back in the form of two originals in their dialect which they are working on. The good thing is that if the song is nice and a hit so maybe through their song people would be able to trace back to their roots and community its ethnicity and culture.

About the Speaker

Not Funny

NOT FUNNY is a band from Ukhrul, Manipur founded in 2019. Comprising of Wungramthing Shimray (vocalist), Soringthing Raihing (lead guitarist), Kachuimi Luithui (bassist) and Wotsa (drummer), the band is known to have a quirky touch and a funny story behind their productions. Initially, the members were associated with different bands but eventually, they decided to come together to compete in a competition called ‘Manipur Idol 2019’.They made their presence felt around six months ago with their first music video called “Dance With Me” which has garnered over 80K views on YouTube. The band has so far released two songs, ‘Dance with me’ (2020) and ‘Unfamiliar feelings’ (2021). According to the band, the first song (Dance with Me) explores the unsaid feelings and, the imagination of their mind. And the second song (Unfamiliar Feelings) explores love at first sight and the stirred-up feelings in people by their first love(s). The speciality of their music is that it mainly focusses on the beats and lyrics and give every song a funky vibe. Not Funny has not released an album yet but are currently working on their new song ‘Walk Through’ which the band described as “finding hope at the worst of our times, and how it is only through the pain that we learn to celebrate life and love” and, they’re hopeful for this music release to open doors for the band on a bigger platform. The band aims to attract young and old music lovers. Their main motive is to bring something new to the music scene in Northeast India by embracing the “less picked Indie Pop Rock genre”.

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