Session 39 summary
Sofiyum was born out of individual ideas as the members performed individually before crossing paths with each other. Every member had loved music since their childhood days, so once they started performing together, they decided to take forward the Lepcha culture and music as, at that time there was not much Lepcha music present. Initially there were more members in the band but due to various reasons they had to part ways. When members join the group they become a family and they try to take the band forward together. Soon the band started getting platforms to perform more gigs. Sofiyum performs old folk songs that are forgotten and in this way they are reviving them. They are also adding modern music which inspires the youngsters to stand up for their culture, language, lands and everything else. Another reason of performing old folk songs which are almost forgotten is that they didn’t see anyone performing them. The band does a lot of fusion also because the members used to perform different types of music so when they came together a new type of music was created and this fusion was brought together by the Lepcha culture. They have observed that the youngsters are usually very much influenced by the western culture but in the process they must not forget what the ancestors gave them.
Selecting the song- They take an old song and bring freshness in it to give the idea that folk songs can also be used this way. Vocal technique- Most of the songs are based on the chanting of the shamans. The Lepchas are animist-nature worshipper.so deer chanting is really reflected in their songs. They are elaborative songs describing what the eyes sees. Instruments- Most of the precursor instruments are related to hunting and agriculture.
The band also performed an original song which was about the heart blooming away seeing the beauty of nature and this showed how they incorporate nature through their music.

About the Speaker
Members of Sofiyum
Mickma Tshering Lepcha
Vocal, Tungbuk and Puntong Polit. Mickma Tshering comes from a small village from the west of Sikkim, had a tough childhood. Though life was hard, moments were spent in happiness when hearing his sister sing old folk songs. This invoked an interest in him also. As he grew up he performed songs of different genre.
Ongyal Tshering Lepcha
Vocal, Sutsang and Guitars. Back in school he used to compose few songs in Nepali but it was not up to the mark. Nepali pop is a thing in the Northeast which inspired other artist. His elder brother is his inspiration for music and composing. Whatever they compose individually they later bring it up on the table and combine.
Rikel Lepcha
Guitar. His grandfather used to play folk instrument which inspired him to play instruments but he was uncomfortable playing the folk instruments so he plays the guitar and loves doing so.
In his earlier days he was a sportsman but suddenly he got interested in music. He was also had an office job but didn’t like it so he left. Had been in many famous bands of Sikkim and also fond of playing metal music. Has been with Sofiyum for four years and guides the members as a senior.
Noel J. Karthak
Bass Guitars
Rathap Lepcha
Tungdarbong and Drums
Pintsok Dechen Lepcha