Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Social Media • Eugene Soreng

About TDF Session 211

More details on the session and the Zoom link available on Registration.

About Eugene Soreng

Founder, Adivaasi Drishyam
Eugene Ke Cuisine and
Khadia Jiyom
Sundargarh, Odisha

Eugene Soreng, a member of the Kharia Tribe, hails from Sundargarh District in Odisha. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Besides completing his MA in Social Work (Dalit & Tribal Studies & Actions) and MPhil in Social Sciences from TISS Mumbai, he has a rich experience in the development sector, working around diverse themes that includes, Community Development, Livelihood, Health, Education and Child Protection in Tribal areas of Odisha, Jharkhand and Assam.

Recently, he also has been part of a three-month student exchange program on crisis preparedness in social work, focusing on climate change, migration, and curriculum development, at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

His core interest lies in Tribal Decoloniality, Infrastructure Development and Adivasi Culture. His current PhD work titled ‘Infrastructure Development in Odisha: A study of its evolution and social dynamics in Adivasi inhabited areas of Sundargarh District’ emphasis on understanding the complex relationship between the State, development and adivasis in the light of Sustainable Infrastructure Development.

  • Some of his publication and research experience include:
  • Culture & Meaning ; A case study of Khadia tribe (2016)
  • Documenting Origin Stories of Munda, Khadia, Ho and Santal Tribes (2021)
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Livelihood of Tribes in India (2021).
  • Biodiversity, Language, Culture and Wellbeing of Indigenous peoples ; A study under Arramat Project (2024).

Besides his academic interests, he is keenly interested in music, photography, filmmaking, food and social media management. These interests have helped him start a few initiatives online namely: Adivaasi Drishyam, Eugene Ke Cuisine and Khadia Jiyom. These initiatives focus on preserving, prompting, dissemination and documenting Adivasi Knowledge systems, Adivasi Cuisines and Khadia Tribe respectively. Through these initiatives he has got an opportunity to direct a music video (Khalla Dona Puttu) , and organize workshops on adivasi songs and meaning (Our Songs Our Identity).

Event Details
  • Days
  • Start Date
    February 23, 2025 6:30 pm
  • Category
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