Session 36 summary
What propelled you into acting?
For Bendang, during his childhood days he rarely got to watch T.V. From an actors perspective he didn’t have any big inspirations. Sunday schools played an important part as it gave space for different kinds of activities. Among these activities Bendang preferred acting and that is how he started his acting journey and he likes it very much. He also directed some works, the church had greatly influenced him for this. He got a chance to join a workshop in Delhi where he realised his calling and then joined the National School of Drama in 2008.
For Kilangtemsu, he had attended a workshop in 2011 which was a turning point in his life. It was a place where he got to learn a lot of things. In 2017, he joined the National School of Drama pursuing theatre education.
For Limasenla, she had no idea that she would end up being on screen, even more so on Dream and Chaos and that is how her journey began.
What made you take the leap of faith?
Bendang believes that to accept or not to accept is tricky in this society. If one accepts without even understanding then it would be very problematic. His community had never thought of the acting profession because no one was there to guide them, but now Bendang and his team are opening a new path for the new generation.
How do you deal with the negative feedbacks
Limasenla says that the acting journey came to her at a time when she would’ve rather focused on her career but she feels fortunate to join Dream and Chaos. To be exposed to this industry is very eye opening.
What is that one thing that keeps you grounded?
Kilangtemsu had started theatre not for acting but the 2011 workshop was eye opening. He went to school of drama and learned to act. He wants to show people true acting.

What do you understand from theatre acting and film acting?
Both are from the same family but they are like brothers with different personalities. They have different approaches. It takes a lot of time and effort to be someone. Experiencing lots of theatre practises and productions, Bendang believes that it requires lot of dedication and sacrifices.
How does it feel to be an indigenous paving new path in the Naga community?
Limasenla says that just being a part of Dream and Chaos was overwhelming. From season two she has yet to receive negative comments from her community and from others. Who knew this web series would get so big. With women reaching out to Limasenla, she feels like there is some form of reaction and it feels worth it. She had always dreamed of working for the youth and empower them, and “Dream and Chaos” gave her the medium to do so.
Kilangtemsu feels so privileged and at the same time the team struggled a lot because when the project started the people questioned a lot. The team was also struggling financially.They finally have a smile on their faces because people are accepting them and the art. It is such a happy moment for them.For Bendang 2011-2020 has been a very adventurous journey. Bendang says that it is just a beginning, let this be the new step to upgrade themselves (the Naga community) and open new doors for them- let this be a starting of acceptance and surely they won’t fail the concept.
What were your learnings while working in Dream and Chaos?
For Limasenla, it was to really use her own dialogues and the mother tongue which the audience greatly appreciated.
For Kilangtemsu, it was teamwork and experience.
For Bendang, as a director he hasn’t even done his feature film. It is a learning process for him from the feedbacks the show gets from the viewers.
What is the chaos to our dreams? What is missing?
It depends on the individual. In the present generation no one is really satisfied which has become a hindrance to the core aspect of life. It must be a process that we can enjoy.

What is the message you would like to give others?
Believe in yourself and keep moving forward.
What is the purpose of life? Not knowing it creates great difficulty.
Stay positive, enjoy life and lift each other up.
About the Speaker
Bendang Walling
Filmmaker & Theatre Practitioner
Alumni of National School of Drama
along with
Limasenla Jamir & Kilangte Msu Imsong
Actors of “Dreams & Chaos”
Bendang is the Founder of Hill Theatre Nagaland. He has directed the web series ‘Dreams and Chaos’ adapting it from SentilongOzukum’s novel by the same name. He has also directed a lot of plays, short films and conducted Theatre Workshops in other states as well. One of his short films, ‘Blissful’ was also selected for International Film Festival 2016 at Dharamshala.
Limasenla Jamir is an actress from Nagaland known for playing the role of Ali in award-winning web series called ‘Dreams and Chaos’ directed by Bendang Walling.
Kilangtemsu Imsong is anActor from Nagalandin the award-winning web series called ‘Dreams and Chaos’.