Exploring different fields
Ravi Roshan Dungdung is a Visual Artist and Co-Founder of Phal Phroot Pvt Ltd currently located in Rourkela, Odisha. With a brief background in Textile Design he worked as a Print Designer in Textile for some time only to realise it did not appeal to him. Gradually, he entered the media field and got exposed to a wider horizon of things. Over the years he started working in Identity and Branding Design. Presently he Freelances on Branding Design, Visual Design, is a Musician and has many diverse interests.
Work experience includes first job as a Print Designer and Design Manager in a t-shirt company in Mumbai which was his only job related to the textile field. Next job was in Media Company where he created third party application designs for Facebook with a company called Meaww. Worked in the marketing team of a Healthcare company. Developed a brand called OnlyLeaf for a company called TEABOX. Moving back to his hometown Rourkela he co-founded a company called Phal Phroot Pvt Ltd which engages in publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media. It publishes a magazine called ‘Kela’ (meaning village) which focuses on art, music and culture specifically which are still marginalised.
Design education helped Ravi to identify the ways to learn. His most memorable assignment at design school was redesigning a digital design and making it sustainable. The second part of the project was about making products which could help generate employment and get finance from crowdfunding. He ended up making rag dolls out of waste clothes. The redesigning part of the project helped him grow as a Visual Designer.
The design projects include Brand designing for TerraPay, a global payment gateway based in Dubai and OnlyLeaf, a green tea brand. He was also involved in Video Production for Tattoo Marketplace. At Meaww he was engaged in a project about mind mapping of America whose objective was to develop an application but never materialised. Later, the same idea by the efforts of other companies has taken the shape of applications like Metaverse, Spotify. Further, he is passionate about making music. He mostly produces Electronic genre of music and loves French-Indie. Deriving inspirations from music, he looks up to the tribal music and the way it is put together.